Art and Music Therapy for Alzheimer's Patients
Writer: Aditi Gadde
Editor: Mishka Mittal
What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
Alzheimer’s is a neurological condition that impairs memory and behavior; usually occurring in people as they reach old age. There is no standard cure for this condition but different therapies can enhance the life quality for Alzheimer's patients.
Art and Music Therapy
Art and music have unique ways of making a connection with the brain allowing even patients with Alzheimer’s to be able to creatively express themselves. People with Alzheimer’s often struggle with memory and verbal communication but being able to creatively express themselves opens new pathways for them. Art and music allow these individuals to express themselves non-verbally. This allows them to recall memories, express emotions, and in general just reconnect with their identity. Art and music therapy not only provides these patients with a distraction from their disease but also allows them to experience togetherness. In Alzheimer’s care patients can feel like there is nothing more in life but these therapies can lead them toward a path of rediscovering their emotions and memories.
Benefits of Art Therapy
Let’s talk about Art Therapy, firstly art therapy provides Alzheimer's patients with an interactive, hands-on way for them to communicate their feelings since it is hard for them to compile feelings and experiences together. Types of art such as drawing, painting, and other forms of art stimulate the brain to focus and leave patients with a feeling of accomplishment. Engaging in art therapy can have a calm meditating effect which reduces anxiety and depression. Creating pieces of art can help patients remember their own memories and personal stories. Art provides a safe space for patients to express their feelings whether it’s joy or sadness when it becomes hard to verbally communicate. One of the most noticeable impacts of art therapy is how patients can make connections to their past from a painting or clay sculpture creating a moment of connection for the patient with their surroundings.

Benefits of Music Therapy
Music is a big part of our everyday lives and has a deeply rooted connection to our emotions and memories. Alzheimer’s patients can be brought back to their past and memories through music therapy. Music therapy provides them with benefits to their emotional and cognitive skills. Hearing familiar songs can trigger a patient’s autobiographical memories, allowing them to remember events from their life and feel connected to their identity. Autobiographical memory is the long‐term memory for life experiences. Listening to music can also allow these patients to enter a more calm environment, improving their mood and making them feel less isolated. Alzheimer patients who are able to engage during music therapy such as singing, humming, or even tapping to the rhythm can have an improved ability to communicate and interact with others. Music has a soothing effect on Alzheimer's patients allowing them to reduce their irritation and giving them a calm sense of mind. There are numerous cases where unresponsive Alzheimer patients come alive from hearing familiar music. This shows how effective therapy music is for patients with Alzheimer's.
Implementing Art and Music Therapy into Patient’s Care
Alzheimer patient therapists and caregivers can easily implement art and music into their patient’s daily routines allowing their cognitive abilities to enhance. Creating a familiar playlist with songs that patients recognize allows for them to recollect memories from their past. Encouraging communication and participation through activities such as singing or painting allows them to improve their communication skills and be social with others so they don’t feel isolated. These activities not only improve the patient’s well-being but also improve the bond between patients and their caregivers creating lasting, impactful memories.